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27 Focus in Continuity: A Framework for Malaysia's Foreign
Policy in a Post-Pandemic World - A Monograph
Way Forward and stability for the well-being of its
The Belfer Centre’s national cyber power
index 2020 ranks Malaysia as 19 out of 30 Developing cyber-related foreign policy
countries in terms of cyber capabilities, objectives can leverage on existing
while the International Telecommunica- instruments concerning cybersecurity,
tions Union’s (ITU) cybersecurity index digital economy and innovation. These
2020 ranks Malaysia fifth, highlighting its include policies, such as the national cyber
achievements in cybersecurity. security strategy 2020-2024, defence white
paper, Malaysia digital economy blueprint
Malaysia has consistently been in the top and national policy on science, technology
10 since the ITU cybersecurity report was and innovation as well as the 10-10
first released in 2014. Its strengths are in Malaysian science, technology, innovation
the legal framework for dealing with and economy (MySTIE) framework. The
security and crime, capacity building defence white paper and 21 chief of
through research and development, defence forces grand command address
education and training, and international characterise the approach towards
partnerships and information sharing. addressing cyber threats as the state
Areas for improvements include would need to develop capabilities to
organisational and technical, where the detect, analyse and act upon any
lack of defensive abilities and control over cyber-related threats. Meanwhile, the
information dampens power projection. blueprint focuses on data flows and data
Malaysia must also improve its pragmatic protection in addition to international
international engagement strategy, one standards adoption and infrastructure
that aims for a secure, trusted and resilient development. The MySTIE framework
cyber while fostering economic growth identifies the science and technology