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25  Focus in Continuity: A Framework for Malaysia's Foreign
               Policy in a Post-Pandemic World - A Monograph
           Geopolitics and Cyber Engagements        interpreted to reach thresholds of force,
                                                    complicating  paradigms  for appropriate
           Technological maturity sets the tone     responses. Leaked personal information of
           for international engagements, where rules   government and military o cials may also
           and norms are at a juncture of develop-  present  risks for  identity theft,  doxing,
           ment. From international platforms, such   fraud or targeted influence campaigns.
           as the United Nations Group of
           Governmental Experts  (UN GGE)  to  UN     As cyber becomes ubiquitous, cyber
           Open-Ended Working Group (UN OEWG),      operations may exploit di erent centres of
           mini-laterals like the QUAD and safety   gravity. State-sponsored disinformation
           standards  determined  on   industrial   campaigns   can  impact   on   public
           platforms, the international community is  sentiment, which could result in paralysis
           determining means and ways to build a    for decision-making  or colour perceptions
           safer cyberspace.                        of an incident. Influence over public
                                                    sentiment  may not  be safeguarded  by
            However, the connection between         existing legislation and upholding values,
           technology and geopolitics could cleave   such as freedom of speech and opinion,
           technological development along the lines   may impact on a government’s  ability to
           of values which can di er in areas, such as   balance between national security and
           governance,  transparency  or   data     human rights.
           management. Governments  may prefer
           greater controls over data flows or stricter        Constructing the appropriate response
           governance on private  companies, with   is a diplomatic, strategic and security
           policies  such  as  data  localisation   challenge.  Countries  such  as  Estonia,
           requirements or back-end access for the   France, Germany, the Netherlands and UK
           purpose  of   national  security.  For   use scale and e ect to determine if a
           developing  nations,  data governance    cyberattack is comparable to kinetic
           policies may decide partnerships, allies   attacks, which would activate di erent
           and participation in supply chains as    responses. The US Executive Order 13757
           privacy and transparency policies build  allow for the imposition of sanctions on
           confidence and trust between parties.     individuals and entities determined to be
                                                    responsible for tampering, altering or
              Managing an opaque and asymmetrical   causing   the   misappropriation  of
           cyber environment means dealing with the   information with the purpose or e ect of
           challenge of threats or cyberattacks below   interfering with or undermining election
           the thresholds of force. Threats and cyber   processes or institutions. Such responses
           operations may also not take familiar    are part and parcel of maintaining a
           forms addressed by states, especially for   nation’s  strategic  environment  and
           interpretations in violation of sovereignty.   autonomy  in  cyber  though  they
           For instance, security firms such as Insikt   correspond with a nation’s capability to
           Group  and FireEye  have reported cyber   investigate  such  operations   and
           activities in Southeast Asia where the   international mechanisms.
           broad strategic objective  is information
           gathering in the South China Sea or the
           Belt and Road Initiative. Rampant
           information gathering may not be
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