Page 10 - Focus_in_Continuity_a_Monograph
P. 10
05 Focus in Continuity: A Framework for Malaysia's Foreign
Policy in a Post-Pandemic World - A Monograph
Source: Ministry of Health
Working together with di erent partners,
particularly from the government’s
perspective in engaging the private sector
and civil societies, presents a set of
challenges. We have to conduct due
diligence to ensure that the interest of the
government and the population are
protected, for example patient data
confidentiality in the context of COVID-19
management. We also need to avoid any
conflicts of interest, both real and
perceived. Our engagement with non-state We have come a long way from the origins
actors also needs to be transparent and we of the Malaysian healthcare system decades
need strong accountability mechanisms. ago. In keeping abreast with technology, I
foresee that the future of medicine will be
Global health players now also consist of very much technology-assisted, much more
strong philanthropic organisations such than it is now. Public health surveillance,
as Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation preparedness, clinical expertise and
that invests huge funds in health, both hands-on diagnosis are still the
for research and implementation of fundamental components of healthcare
programmes. It is certainly to our benefit delivery. Nevertheless, we will have
for Malaysia to be a more active player in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and wearables
global health. that can even help doctors diagnose