Page 8 - Focus_in_Continuity_a_Monograph
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03  Focus in Continuity: A Framework for Malaysia's Foreign
              Policy in a Post-Pandemic World - A Monograph
             ‚                                      the same time, we identified areas for
                                                    improvements so that we can prepare
                                                    better for the future.

                                                        Of course, there is a lot more that needs
     to be done and we must continue to be
               	            	                       vigilant.  The  collision  of  NCDs  and
                COVID-19 demonstrate the need to invest
        in NCD prevention and control as an
            essential foundation for security and
                                                    preparedness. As we remain resilient,
                               recover and rebuild, we need to also take

              into consideration that there is an
                opportunity for us to improve our provision
                   of  Universal  Health  Coverage  and
                                                    strengthen our health system to better care
             „                                      for our population and prepare for the
          The  world  is  facing  multiple  health
          challenges.  These  range  from   the
          emergence of the COVID-19, growing rates
          of non-communicable diseases (NCD),       ƒ
          obesity and physical inactivity due to the
          health impacts of environmental pollution                             
          and climate change.                            	                      

            The COVID-19 pandemic has turned                    „
          the world upside down. Currently, nations
          are  focusing  on COVID-19  response  and
          recovery in addition to rebuilding their   Firstly, let us be clear on what we mean by
          economies. Here  in  Malaysia,  we  have   health diplomacy. Global health diplomacy
          shifted into the mitigation phase and     is a practice by which governments and
          resumed our daily activities while adopting   non-state actors attempt to coordinate
          the new norms and SOPs. This could not    global policy solutions to improve global
          have   been   possible  without   the     health. Health diplomacy is important
          sacrifice,  dedication and commitment of   because it is the intersection of public
          our healthcare workers and frontliners from   health and foreign a airs. This is an area
          not  just  government  agencies  but  also   that I personally take very much interest
          NGOs and the community at large.          in.

            Malaysia did struggle in facing the         International aid forms a part of global
          COVID-19 pandemic, especially during the   health diplomacy. Malaysia continues to
          earlier stage of it. But we managed to    extend assistance to communities and
          respond and work together to strengthen   countries in need, within our capacity. Our
          our action plan to curb this pandemic. At  participation in the humanitarian and
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