Page 12 - Focus_in_Continuity_a_Monograph
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07  Focus in Continuity: A Framework for Malaysia's Foreign
               Policy in a Post-Pandemic World - A Monograph
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               	         vaccines thus can even provide booster

                                   doses to their population. It is not the case
                                                    in the low-income countries in which until
           The COVID-19 vaccination is the largest   now, their vaccination rate remains at a
           e ort of its kind in human history. People’s   low level even for their primary series
           life and health must always be our first   vaccination. Hence, countries with exces-
           priority, and  economic, political or  other   sive supply should donate their vaccines to
           interests must not precede them. Vaccines   these lower income countries especially
           are first and foremost a global public good;   those with high incidence and mortality
           we must ensure they remain so and reject   rate of COVID-19 infection.
           rising vaccine nationalism. They are
           supposed to be used as a weapon to save              ‚
           lives, not a means by any country for
           selfish gains, still less a tool for geopolitical


           a)  Firstly  -  the  production  deficit.  While
           ramping  up  total  supply,  producing
           countries should also support developing   Vaccine development is uniquely challeng-
           countries through technology transfer and   ing. The cost of vaccine development from
           joint production, and safeguard the global   its research and discovery to registration is
           supply chain of raw materials.           high, ranging from an estimated USD 200
                                                    to 500 million. The costs may be further
           b) Secondly - the distribution deficit.   amplified by post-approval requirements
           Vaccines should be shared with greater   for additional studies before broad
           intensity  and speed to make  them       recommendations are made. Furthermore,
           accessible and a ordable for developing   safety and e ectiveness studies to assess
           countries as quickly as possible, especially   the benefit-risk profile are essential for
           the least developed countries.           vaccines.

           c) Thirdly - the cooperation deficit. This      Other components, including technical
           requires greater solidarity and sense of   development  issues  and  clinical  trial
           responsibility,  and  full  mobilisation  of   implementation, contribute to vaccine
           governments, businesses and international  development challenges in Malaysia. Even
           organisations, to form synergy.          in the best of circumstances, large
                                                    studies with good safety, e cacy, and
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  	                         immunogenicity objectives are di cult to
                          implement. Potential concerns among
                                                    communities about study conduct, myths,
                                                    rumours and misinformation that may
           Many high-income countries had the       circulate once the study has started are
           luxury  to  have  an  excessive  supply  of
                                                    also challenging to address.
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