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Malaysia and Health Diplomacy 06
diseases. This would be very useful experienced by many low- and middle-in-
especially in remote and rural populations come countries. In August 2017, Malaysia
which are hard to access. invoked the Compulsory License for
government use, exercising ‘Rights of
All of us need to keep ourselves updated Government’ under the Patent Act 1983
with the latest science as it keeps evolving. (Act 291) to procure the Direct-Acting
What we learned decades ago could Antiviral (DDA) Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)
soon become obsolete. Besides arming drug Sofosbuvir at an a ordable price.
ourselves with a wealth of knowledge, I do Through a Research and Development
believe that we have to be mentally collaboration between Clinical Research
receptive and open to these changes. Malaysia (CRM), Ministry of Health
Embracing technology and innovation is Malaysia with the Foundation for
truly the way forward. As often mentioned Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND), a new
by Minister of Health Khairy Jamaluddin, Hepatitis C Virus Rapid Diagnostic Test
there has been a chronic under investment Kit was developed. To find and treat
into public healthcare in Malaysia for such our ‘missing millions’, free testing and
a long time. We ought to spend 3-4% of treatment of HCV were scaled up through
GDP on healthcare yet we have only spent decentralisation of these services up from
approximately 2% of our GDP. This needs just 25 centres to 146 centres between
to change so that a greater impact can be 2019 and 2021.
seen across the healthcare service delivery
system. We ought to ‘future proof’ our The world today is still in the grip of the
healthcare system with a healthcare COVID-19 pandemic. As the virus
reform. continues to mutate and wreak havoc,
putting it under control remains our top
priority. In the battle, vaccines are of vital
importance and should be distributed
around the world fairly and equitably with
no country and no one left behind, not
only pertaining to COVID-19 vaccine but
other vaccines as well.
distribution and unbalanced vaccination
remain prominent challenges. The
immunisation gap between high- and
Vaccine inequity was one of the most low-income countries needs to be
glaring crises that emerged during this addressed by the international community.
pandemic. Malaysia raised this matter Solidarity and cooperation is the only right
during the recent WHO Executive Board choice to ensure vaccine supply equity.
Meeting. Malaysia has always been a
strong advocate for not just vaccine equity Malaysia can play a leading role in
but also the accessibility and a ordability ensuring vaccine supply equity to other
of vaccines and medicines. Lack of access countries through multiple health
to a ordable and quality medicines diplomatic ways, namely:
and vaccines are a common barrier