Page 13 - Focus_in_Continuity_a_Monograph
P. 13

Malaysia and Health Diplomacy  08
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                  We witnessed the various ways countries
                                                    around the world ‘reacted’ to SOPs being
             „                                      implemented and executed. Clearly, the
                                                    mindset of the public varies vastly from
                                                    one country to another. This explains why
                                                    it was ‘easier’ to implement SOPs such as
           a. There is no ‘one size fits all’ answer to   mask-wearing during the pandemic in
           this as it depends on a case-by-case basis.   some countries, whilst we witnessed mass
           Having been in the international health   amounts of people rallying against these
           scene for decades now, I can tell you that   SOPs as they strongly felt it infringed upon
           multilateral and bilateral health diplomacy   their basic human rights.
           certainly has its own set of strengths.
           There is an abundance of benefits that can      Therefore, taking into account the unique
           come out of a multilateral relationship   personalities and receptivity of each
           amongst  countries.  This  has  been seen  nation, I personally think that while it is
           via the WHO, ASEAN, OIC and other        possible to develop universal advisory,
           multilateral platforms.
                                                    adherence to it is another matter
                                                    altogether. The challenges are aplenty and
           b. Countries within the region would work   again, adherence to each policy or SOP
           together  towards  a  positive  outcome.   developed will have to take into account
           Nevertheless,  the  role  of  bilateral  the local settings, as it will have to be
           relationships between countries cannot be   customised accordingly. Of course, it
           undermined as well. Whilst some global   does not hinder collaboration between
           health issues can be addressed on a      countries especially when  it  comes to
           multilateral platform, there are times when   travelling and vaccination to ease or
           a more specific bilateral approach may be   minimise bureaucracy, particularly in the
           required particularly when dealing with a   COVID-19 context.
           sensitive issue that is unique to just the two
           countries involved. This is especially true
           for our neighbouring  countries. As with   Tan  Sri  Dato’  Seri  Dr  Noor  Hisham
           any other negotiations, ideally, the gold   Abdullah is the Director-General of
           outcome is to ensure that it is a win-win   Health, Ministry of Health, Malaysia. He is
           situation for both parties of the bilateral   also the current President of Malaysia
           negotiations.                            Medical Council (MMC) and a Member of
                                                    Board  of  Directors  of  the  Drugs  for
                                                    Neglected Diseases Initiative (DNDi).
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